Monday, October 19, 2009

After the fall out over the "Amp up and score" app by Pepsi you might think seducing a suicide girl could be dangerous territory. Actually I think this app will be quite popular. True, it seems as if the premise is the same, but the difference is in the packaging.

Here's the idea:

"Meet the sexy Zoli Suicide in a comic book shop and—if you make the right choices—you will get a sexy, 17+ make-out session with her (it’s not that racy, but it’s cute). Make the wrong choices and get shot down by a SuicideGirl in 10 different humiliating ways!"

In this game, suicide girls aren't victims to your app induced seduction skills, instead the pseudo "hot"girl has the power to reject your attempts and even humiliate you. The game plays with the idea of the stereotypical punk girl without stereotyping them. In essence, the difference is between content from people who know and content from people who to think they know.

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